Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA): This is the official website of the Executive Office of Elder Affairs. It includes elder hotline numbers, consumer information, emergency resources, and additional Health & Human Services benefits.
Massachusetts Aging and Disabilities Information Locator (MADIL): MADIL is an online, user-friendly tool designed to help you find information on services and programs in Massachusetts that support elders and people with disabilities. By using the search features of MADIL, users can simultaneously search the resources on three state-funded, aging and disabilities websites.
National Institute on Aging | nih.gov
Massachusetts Councils on Aging | mcoaonline.org
Parkinson's Foundation
Tell DTA about medical costs for people 60 or older or disabled to boost SNAP | masslegalhelp.org
REquipmentMA.org: REquipment provides free, gently used, durable home medical equipment (DME) and assistive technology (AT) throughout Massachusetts. Find what you need. Donate what you are no longer using.