About us:
The Town of Foxborough's Animal Control Officer (ACO) is responsible for:
- Investigating nuisance complaints
- Enforcing animal control by-laws; as well as M.G.L. chapter 140 laws
- Removing sick or injured wildlife: determine risk of rabies exposure & need for testing
- Providing information about wildlife
- Removing animals killed on roadways
- Picking up stray animals*
- Investigating dog bites
- Investigating cruelty and/or neglect complaints
- Educating the public about responsible pet ownership
*Every effort is made to find a stray animal's owner. When efforts are unsuccessful, animals that pass temperament testing, i.e. are safe, are placed up for adoption after being examined by a veterinarian, being spayed or neutered if not already done, vaccinated and other care as indicated.
How to submit a complaint:
Complaints can be sent to ACO Bailey by email or reported by phone.* Complaints must include the following information:
- Complainant Name & Address (Anonymous complaints will not be processed)
- Complainant Email & Phone number
- Dog/animal Owner Name & Address
- Dog/animal Owner Phone and/or Email
- Dog/animal License number
- Description of Dog/animal
- Date and Time of Incident/Violation
- Complaint (in detail)
*Please note we do not currently accept complaints submitted via social media messages or comments. Please email or call per the instructions above.

Kaycee Bailey, Animal Control Officer
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 508-543-4343 (Ext. 267)
Address: Foxborough Public Safety Building
8 Chestnut Street
Foxborough, MA 02035