Note: All agendas, minutes, and notices provided on this website are for informational purposes only. Official copies and any attachments referenced are available at the Town Hall. 

Meeting Agendas: 

Public attendance is welcome at the Select Board's Tuesday evening meetings (please check the schedule). These meetings are held twice monthly, except during the summer when they are once monthly. We strongly encourage emailing public comments related to items on the upcoming meeting's agenda to [email protected] by 5 PM on the day of the meeting. For those who wish to speak during Citizen's Input or on any of the upcoming meeting's agenda items, a Zoom link is available upon request by emailing [email protected]. Additionally, those wishing to watch the meeting can do so via Foxboro Cable Access. Please note that due to time constraints, the content of comments, and the number of comments submitted, not all comments may be read into the record. However, all comments will be attached to the official meeting minutes.