SeeClickFix is a convenient tool that lets you report non-emergency* issues like potholes, broken streetlights, or other concerns directly to the Town of Foxborough's DPW team! You can submit and track your requests, stay updated on progress, and even see reports from your neighbors.
*Call 911 in Case of Emergency
Do I need to download the app? No! You can also submit requests on our website using the portal below. See the instructions below for step-by-step details.
Do I need to make an account? No! You do not need to sign in or make an account to submit a request. Simply enter your request details and select “Submit as Guest.” However, guest submissions do not receive updates.
Will I receive updates about my request? It depends. If you submit your request using an account, you’ll receive updates. Guest submissions do not include notifications for follow-ups or status changes.
How do I submit a request? Check out the instructions below for submitting a request from both a mobile device and a computer!