Monday, the Twenty-fourth Day of August, 2009

The Special Town Meeting of the Town of Foxborough convened at 7:35 P.M. in the auditorium of the Foxborough Senior High School, 120 South Street, Foxborough, Massachusetts with Mr. Francis J. Spillane, Town Moderator, presiding. Gary E. Whitehouse, Advisory Committee member, led the Pledge of Allegiance. Town Clerk Robert E. Cutler, Jr. read the Warrant and Return. The assemblage recognized Fred “Jay” Barrows, State Representative in General Court, First Bristol District, who was present at the meeting. One hundred eighty-three (183) inhabitants qualified to vote in elections and at town affairs were recorded as present.

ARTICLE 1: Moved that section 2(a) chapter 64 L of the General Laws of the Commonwealth be hereby accepted to impose an excise of .75% on sales of restaurant meals to take effect on October 1, 2009.

NOT ADOPTED 45 Affirmative 85 Negative 8:11 PM

ARTICLE 2: Moved that sections 51 and 52 of chapter 27 of the Acts of 2009 that amended section 3 A of chapter 64 G of the General Laws~of the Commonwealth be hereby accepted and that~the Town's~local room occupancy excise under such chapter 64 G, section 3 A be hereby amended to the rate of 6% to take effect on October 1, 2009, on the rental of rooms in hotels, motels, lodging houses and bed and breakfast establishments; as provided by such law.

ADOPTED 90 Affirmative 73 Negative 8:30 PM

ARTICLE 3: Moved that the sum of Four Thousand Four Hundred Forty-Seven Dollars and Thirty Nine Cents ($4447.39) be transferred from available funds to pay~an unpaid bill of prior year to Deutsch William Brooks DeRensis & Holland, P.C.~

ADOPTED 150 Affirmative 10 Negative 8:36 PM

The Special Town Meeting adjourned at 8:38 PM.

A True Record


Robert E. Cutler, Town Clerk