Complete Streets funding program:

The Complete Streets Funding Program is a grant program offered by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) which offers up to $400,000 for state selected construction projects.  The purpose of this grant is to create a more inclusive, multi-modal transportation system which treats all forms of transportation equally (bikes, pedestrians, buses,  personal vehicles, etc.). 

In order to receive grant funding, a Town must submit a qualifying Policy (Tier 1) and a Prioritization Plan (Tier 2).  Once these are both approved by the state, a Town may submit any project from their approved Prioritization Plan list to be considered by MassDOT based on their established criteria and priorities. Contrary to the name, the Prioritization Plan is not a "complete" list of maintenance backlogs, ADA compliance issues, or network gaps, but rather a list of assorted project which are potentially compliant with the qualifying grant criteria and roughly ordered based on stakeholder input.  

In 2022, Foxborough was awarded $349,338 for the reconstruction of the Cocassett Street and East Street intersection to eliminate historic conflict areas.  Construction is anticipated to take place in 2023.  

For more information, you can visit the MassDOT Complete Streets page here