

In early 2019, Foxborough residents began advocating for an Intergenerational Community Center to improve access to programs and services provided by the Council on Aging and Recreation Departments. Through this advocacy, the Fall 2019 Town Meeting approved $40,000 to conduct a Feasibility Study. Bargman Hendrie Architypes was hired in early 2020 through the procurement process. Unfortunately, COVID-19 drastically impacted the data collection and public information gathering process of completing a Feasibility Study during the allotted time. In June 2021, the Director of Human Services presented to the Select Board a completed Feasibility Study which highlighted the need for a potential new Community Center to be located at 1 of 3 sites off of Payson Road. A copy of this study can be found HERE. 



With the retirement of long time Recreation Director, Debbie Giardino, Town Manager, Bill Keegan, reorganized the Human Services Department to include 4 "divisions". These divisions include Recreation, Veteran Services, Council on Aging, & Human Services. The Assistant Recreation Director, Renee Tocci was promoted to Recreation Director and the entire Department was led by Marc Craig as the Director of Human Services. This reorganization has allowed for coordination of services and programs with the goal of establishing a Community Center in the future. The reorganizational chart can be found HERE.



  • Address: 76 Main Street, Foxborough, MA
  • Purchase Timeline can be found HERE. (*updated 4/17)
  • Mold Investigation Report from Terracon (August 2022) can be found HERE.
    ("Indoor airborne mold spore concentrations were well below the outdoor concentration...")
  • Mold Investigation Report from Heaton Environmental (July 2023) can be found HERE
    ("No visible mold was noted, Air tests showed relatively normal mold levels")
  • Detailed floor plans of the church can be found HERE.
  • Original announcement of purchase can be found HERE

Virtual Tour & Interview with Human Services Director Marc Craig & Town Manager Paige Duncan

Photos of Space


These are questions that residents have previously raised, and we believe that others may also be interested in knowing the same information.

  • How is the septic system and what changes would need to be made?

    • The DPW Director explained that a large pump station will not be needed, however, the building itself will have a small pump system along with a generator that will be sized to fit the electrical load required by all the infrastructure needed. He said they have been utilizing low pressure force mains on recent sewer designs and this is what they are planning on doing for this facility. The cost of this has already been factored into the request that will be made at Town Meeting.

  • Has a hazardous materials assessment been completed (including PCP's, asbestos, lead paint, etc?

    • We have completed all the necessary assessments, including asbestos. Asbestos was found on the first floor, and the amount requested in the Town Meeting article will cover all abatements.

  • Is there an existing sprinkler system? 

    • There is not a sprinkler system in the building. The Fire Chief has determined that because the building's use as a "Place of Assembly" will not change, a system will not be required.

  • What are the conditions of the existing mechanical and electrical systems? 

    • Overall, the mechanical and electrical systems are in very good working order and have many years of useful life. The HVAC system has been separated into several units rather than one unit so when it comes time for the Town to consider replacing the units, we can do so on an annual basis aligning with our capital plans rather than being hit with one big cost all at once.

  • Is the building wired for internet and cable TV access?

    • The building has been wired for internet. We do not anticipate adding cable TV access, as most services are available online. Conversations have begun with the Town's IT Department, and it is expected that we may need to bring Fiber Optic cables to the building, but the funds requested at Town Meeting will cover the cost.

  • Is the building energy efficient? 

    • Even though the building was built in the 1950's and renovated in the 1980s, the building was built very well and has been determined to be very energy efficient by the Town's Building Commissioner. The Town's facilities Department has already planned out adding LED's and other efficient items, but this will be done within the budgeted allotment.

  • Where will the main entrance be?

    • The current main entrance on Main Street will not be the primary means of entering, due to the proximity to the main parking lot. The main entrance to the center will be determined by the final location of the elevator.

  • Where will the new elevator be located?

    • This is still to be determined but we are honing in a final location with 4 possible options.

  • Can we incorporate a covered drop-off area at the main entrance?

    • Due to the layout of the building a covered drop-off area should not be expected.

  • Are there adequate restrooms?

    • Yes! We are very happy with the number of restrooms and the layout of the facilities on both floors.

  • Are the existing stairwells fire rated to current code?

    • There is no way to determine this without opening up the walls of the stairwells, however it is not required unless a major renovation takes place.

  • Will the Town hire an architect to develop plans to optimize the existing building's layout?

    • Happily, the building is laid out in a fashion where we can already determine many of the features of the building and what each space could be to fit our needs. Please check out our Virtual Tour video (also above)

  • Will a greenhouse be incorporated?

    • The active Senior Gardening Club has requested a greenhouse at the facility and this may be possible. However, we have not determined if this will be available before moving in or something that can be grant-funded in the future.

  • What outdoor facilities, such as picnic areas, bocce courts, community garden, and trails be incorporated on the site?

    • A picnic area and garden area will most definitely be included. Funds have also been allocated from the COA Revolving Fund to build a Bocce Court in Town in the future, and now that the Community Center may be a possibility, the natural area is for these courts to be built there. We also plan to highlight the trails at the rear of the parking lot, including signage and dedicated parking to provide better access and publicity of this great natural resource.

  • Will the driveway and parking lot need to be repaved?

    • No, we are very happy with the condition of the existing pavement.

  • Will additional staff be needed for Community Center, especially with the added programs for youth, seniors, and veterans the Community Center would serve?

    • Current plans do not include adding any additional full-time staff. If it is determined that additional part-time staff are needed, these positions would be funded through the COA Revolving Fund and/or the Recreation Revolving Fund. These funds utilize the money that comes in from the trips or programs to cover the cost of the expenses.